Module 3: Nutrition
At the end of July 2024, 13 participants completed the third module of the BIWAQ V "Household-related services" training course on nutrition.
The training course on nutrition, led by Christel Steiner, lecturer at the Gmünd VHS, aimed to provide participants with in-depth knowledge on various aspects of nutrition.
The participants first learned about the components of the body: Water (approx. 65% of the body), protein (15-20%), fat (4-20%) as well as minerals and carbohydrates. In order to ensure the body's composition and its functions, knowledge from nutritional science is required, which the participants acquired or deepened. For example, the body needs water for metabolism, carbohydrates for energy consumption and calcium for bone formation.
With an overview of the different food groups such as fruit, vegetables, cereals, proteins and fats, the participants looked at a balanced diet and how they can integrate it into their everyday lives.
Food labeling was also an interesting topic. Here, the participants learned how to correctly read and interpret the information on food packaging, such as the list of ingredients, the nutritional value table and the allergen labeling. For example, food may still be sold, given away and consumed after the best-before date has passed. This is no longer permitted once the expiry date has passed.
The common units of measurement and basic quantities in nutrition as well as practical tips for seasonal, regional and sustainable shopping were covered. Christel Steiner pointed out food sharing and the unpackaged store in Schwäbisch Gmünd, from where food for the practice-oriented course was sourced.
The preparation of baked potatoes rounded off the course. Various household techniques and appliances were presented. Participants were given instructions on how to use kitchen appliances and how to design their workstation ergonomically in order to work efficiently and safely.
The participants prepared themselves linguistically for the four sessions of specialist theory with a German course, which Vera Holzwarth from the Gmünd VHS also gave on four dates.
As in the first two training modules, environmental protection and nutrition, the participants in the nutrition training module also benefited from alternating between specialist theory and a German course. Both took place in the BIWAQ training rooms at Unipark.
The training was a great success and provided valuable insights into the various aspects of nutrition. The participants were very interested. The newly acquired and deepened knowledge will help them to make healthier and more conscious decisions in their everyday lives. They were also motivated by the fact that their knowledge could increase their job opportunities in the household-related services sector.
The training continues in September with module 4: Sami Ehlhardt (Technische Akademie Schwäbisch Gmünd) will take turns with the technical theory and Vera Holzwarth (Gmünder VHS) with the accompanying German course on the topic of digitalization.
In November, the Gmünd VHS, a.l.s.o. and TA Schwäbisch Gmünd will start a second round of the "Household-related services" training course with the four modules environmental protection, cleaning and hygiene, nutrition and digitalization.
Vera Holzwarth