Our project partners: TA, VHS and a.l.s.o

The realization of the goals defined within the framework of BIWAQ V is based on the cooperation of the job coaches from a.l.s.o. and TA as well as the Gmünd Adult Education Center (VHS)

This partnership stands for a comprehensive support network that is individually tailored to the needs of the participants. The focus is on personal advice and tailored training opportunities that not only impart knowledge and skills, but also open up new perspectives in the professional environment.

The three project partners who are making a significant contribution to the success of the project are presented in more detail below.

Technical Academy Schwäbisch Gmünd (TA):

The Technische Akademie für berufliche Bildung Schwäbisch Gmünd e.V. (TA) was founded as a non-profit association on March 23, 1987. Since then, we have been organizing further and advanced training courses, primarily in the industrial-technical and commercial fields, and initiating specialist events of all kinds in order to provide the economy with practical vocational training. We want to make a contribution to technology transfer for the benefit of the economy.

In addition, the association offers demand-oriented retraining measures. We are also committed to promoting education and training. In particular, we aim to awaken an understanding of technology in children and young people at an early age, promote independent research, action and the ability and willingness to train and study technical professions, expand social skills and enable identification with the region. We work closely with vocational training providers, universities and other educational institutions.

Link to the homepage: https://www.technische-akademie.de/

Schwäbisch Gmünder Volkshochschule e. V. (VHS):

The Schwäbisch Gmünd VHS was founded in 1946 and has also been active in the field of vocational training for over 35 years. Since 2022, the VHS has been a basic education center (GBZ). The GBZ aims to reach adults and people with basic education needs in reading and writing, numeracy and other topics. The VHS also offers courses in German and foreign languages, health and creative courses, for example. 

Link to the homepage: www.gmuender-vhs.de

a.l.s.o e.V.:

The social enterprise has been offering people in Schwäbisch Gmünd and the Ostwürttemberg region new prospects through social, cultural and vocational education, integration and support for job and training seekers for 40 years.

Link to the homepage: https://alsogmuend.de/


BIWAQ V Schwäbisch Gmünd

Oststadt + Hardt + Altstadt
The "ZEIT" project is funded as part of the "BIWAQ V" program by the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction and the European Union via the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus).
© 2025 BIWAQ Schwäbisch Gmünd